About Coach Kim

My Coaching Style & Approach

As a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), my coaching process is evidence-based and proven to achieve results. I am an Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)-trained coach.

What makes my coaching process unique and powerful?

  • A solution-focused, action-oriented partnership that helps you create and experience the life of your choosing.
  • Helps you identify your Core Values, challenge your belief systems, evaluate what is or isn’t serving you, and learn why you are or aren’t doing certain things.
  • Challenges you to take the time to focus on what you really want, and helps you discover and break through what is holding you back from success.
  • Challenges you to look at things differently, helps you discover what you truly want in life, supports you with designing step-by-step action plans for achieving your goals, and holds you accountable for taking action.
  • Professional, DEIJB-informed, culturally sensitive, accessible, and convenient.

I am Experienced

My coaching style is informed by my experience as an educator, advocate, and non-profit administrator. My coaching style mirrors my approach to teaching. I live by the adage, Give a woman a fish, and you feed her for a day. Teach a woman to fish, and you feed her [and her] family for a lifetime. To feed yourself, please check out my Keep Learning page.

  • I have logged over 300 hours of coaching and therapeutic healing sessions.
  • I hold a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My work focuses on identity formation and collective action in the context of social movements for social and environmental change.
  • I earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Development & Social Policy from Northwestern University.
  • I am a graduate of the University of North Carolina’s BRIDGES Leadership Training program for women in higher education.

My Commitment to You

  • I am conscientious and results-driven. And I am committed to you fulfilling your dreams.

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