GAILs: 4 Big Energy Blocks

iPEC coaching describes two types of energy—anabolic and catabolic. Anabolic energy, on the other hand, is constructive and fuels creativity. On the other hand, catabolic energy is destructive. It’s the energy of worry, frustration, and blame. It is draining and works against a person. It holds us back from exploring possibilities, taking action, and achieving success.

iPEC uses the abbreviation GAIL for the four catabolic big blocks. Each block is described below. They are:

● Gremlins
● Assumptions
● Interpretations
● Limiting Beliefs

A GREMLIN is the inner voice that tells you, in one way or another, that you’re not
good enough.

An ASSUMPTION is an expectation that because something has happened in the
past, it will happen again.

An INTERPRETATION is a story, opinion, or judgment that you create about an
event, situation, person, or experience and believe to be true.

A LIMITING BELIEF is a generalization, stereotype, or idea that you learned and
accepted about yourself, about the world, or about other people that limit you in
some way.

As your coach, I will work with you to identify your particular energy blocks.
Importantly, I explore with you what they mean to you and how they show up in
particular areas of your life.

With this increased clarity and insight, you can more freely choose what to believe
and more easily take actions you already know to take to achieve your goals.

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